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Sunday - 9:00 Sunday school & 10:00 Sunday Gathering /// Wednesday - 6:00 LSM & 6:30 ROOTS

by: Craig Duncan



If you are like me, you are inundated with news and commentary of our world through the internet and social media on a regular basis. Just this afternoon, President Biden delivered some words and made some decisions that some applaud and others abhor.

I want to encourage you though. If you focus on that stuff, you will miss out on what God is doing. I want to give you a story from last night at Lonoke during Mid-Week that challenged me but encouraged me.

I finished my lesson in the sanctuary from 2 Peter 1:12-21. We had a great lesson and that series is going really well. I chatted with our Missionary Josh for a little while and a couple more guys in the foyer. I made my way over to the Life Center to chat and hang around with adults and students.

The Life Center was buzzing with volleyball and 9-square and kids were running all over the place. I saw a student that I love hanging out over by himself with an interesting look on his face. I went over to chat for a moment and he said, "I think I just shared the Gospel with someone."

He then explained that another student came up to him and asked about salvation. He explained that he shared with him about Jesus, sin, and giving it all to Jesus.

It was interesting because this student was kind of taken aback by the whole conversation and I think taken aback by his willingness, desire, and ability to share the Gospel. Only God knows what that other student did with the Gospel, but this student was in a good place having shared the Gospel when I walked over there.

No matter how you feel about the state of this world, God is still in authority. He is still working. He is still using His people. I walked away as Pastor encouraged by this student. I hope that you are encouraged tonight.

Press on!

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If you are like me, you are inundated with news and commentary of our world through the internet and social media on a regular basis. Just this afternoon, President Biden delivered some words and made some decisions that some applaud and others abhor.

I want to encourage you though. If you focus on that stuff, you will miss out on what God is doing. I want to give you a story from last night at Lonoke during Mid-Week that challenged me but encouraged me.

I finished my lesson in the sanctuary from 2 Peter 1:12-21. We had a great lesson and that series is going really well. I chatted with our Missionary Josh for a little while and a couple more guys in the foyer. I made my way over to the Life Center to chat and hang around with adults and students.

The Life Center was buzzing with volleyball and 9-square and kids were running all over the place. I saw a student that I love hanging out over by himself with an interesting look on his face. I went over to chat for a moment and he said, "I think I just shared the Gospel with someone."

He then explained that another student came up to him and asked about salvation. He explained that he shared with him about Jesus, sin, and giving it all to Jesus.

It was interesting because this student was kind of taken aback by the whole conversation and I think taken aback by his willingness, desire, and ability to share the Gospel. Only God knows what that other student did with the Gospel, but this student was in a good place having shared the Gospel when I walked over there.

No matter how you feel about the state of this world, God is still in authority. He is still working. He is still using His people. I walked away as Pastor encouraged by this student. I hope that you are encouraged tonight.

Press on!

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3 Comments on this post:


Thank you, Pastor Craig, I surely needed this! Because of my work schedule, I missed Roots last night, and this was just the encouragement needed! We know God is in control, but is so wonderful when He reminds us through the spreading of His word through the mouth and heart of a young person! God is good! And still working His work, even in turbulent times as these! Love, love this!!


This is awesome. It is very encouraging to hear that our “kids” are sharing the good news when there is so much bad news out there. Thanks for sharing

Sharon Purtle

Thank you for sharing this! God is still working and we are encouraged to "press on"!

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